
Applications are currently closed

Who can participate?

CIRCU-CITY is open for students from partner universities (Ghent university, Universitat Politècnica de València, and Georg-August-Universität Göttingen).

Participants should:

  • Be enrolled in a Master or Bachelor programme, completed at least 3 years of a Bachelor programme
  • Be familiar with at least one of the following themes, as proven by their current field of studies: energy, water management, waste management, food, urban planning, and economics.
  • Students from multiple disciplines are encouraged to participate e.g. environmental technology, bio-science/civil/environmental engineering, architecture, economics, business administration, and (business) informatics.

Students enrolled at partner universities who follow CIRCU-CITY as part of their curriculum will obtain the corresponding 3 ECTS upon successful completion, plus a certificate of participation.

The maximum number of participants is set on 30. If many more students apply, the Circu-City board will select the best motivated applications, and aim for a multidisciplinary range of profiles.

Participation cost

CIRCU-CITY is free of cost to attend. Upon successful completion, you receive a proof of participation. Application is mandatory in any case.

Students from partner universities can apply for an Erasmus+ grant to cover their mobility.

Participating students should arrange travel and housing (hotel/hostel/apartment) in Ghent by themselves and cover these costs from their Erasmus scholarship. The CIRCU-CITY team will assist by providing some tips and bringing all participants in contact on a forum online from early February, enabling them to exchange ideas and/or share accommodation, for those who wish to do so.

Application procedure

Applications are currently closed.

GDPR privacy disclaimer

Please note that CIRCU-CITY will enroll you on the e-learning platform of Ghent University once you have been selected for participation. On this platform, names and e-mail addresses of all participants will be shared with other participants. Moreover, a Whatsapp group may be set up by the CIRCU-CITY coordinator or one of the participants for practical arrangements, e.g. housing, team work. If you do not wish your cellphone number to be shared/used for this purpose, please inform the coordinator.